2020 is coming to an end. Before us is a year full of possibility and opportunity, and we have agency to influence what happens. But if you want 2021 to be your best year ever, follow this advice: Don’t create resolutions. Set goals instead.
As Michael and Megan unpack why goals, not resolutions, are what your year needs, you’ll discover how to move from good intentions to effective action. They’ve helped thousands of people achieve their goals, but it’s their personal stories that drive the lessons home.
Don’t drift to where you didn’t intend to go. Design 2021 to be your best year ever.
In this episode, you’ll discover—
- The power of the “fresh-start” effect
- The differences between resolutions and goals
- A brief overview of the SMARTER framework
- Why you shouldn’t “settle” as you create your goals for 2021
- The unexpected way Michael and Megan discovered their spouses