Entrepreneurs tend to be product people. They can find solutions to a problem and maybe even turn those solutions into a potentially profitable business. At this point, however, entrepreneurs often run into a problem: those skills that helped them develop a product are very different than the ones they need to market and publicize that solution to the public. What an entrepreneur needs are helpful frameworks to give them the baseline knowledge they need to grow their business. Well, you're in luck.
Joel Miller speaks with Full Focus Chief Revenue Officer, Courtney Baker, about reimagining the famous “Four Ps of Marketing” for modern times. After that, Joel speaks with author, podcaster, and publicity expert, Susie Moore. She explains to Joel how small business owners can use the media to grow their business.
For more info from Susie Moore, visit www.getrockstarpr.com.
The Business Accelerator podcast is a reflection of the values and processes inside the BusinessAccelerator coaching program. If you want a free Business Growth Coaching Call, visit www.fullfocusbusiness.com/coach.